Zone One Arabian Horse Show 2008 Class List
1 - Geldings at Halter (2 years and over horses)
2 - Mares at Halter (2 years and over horses)
3 - Weanlings and Yearlings (horses of any age and sex under 2 years of age)
4 - Senior Showmanship (18 years and over)
5 - Junior Showmanship (14 - 17)
6 - Junior Showmanship (13 and under)
7 - Lead Line Walk Only (7 years and under)
8 - Lead Line Walk Jog / Trot (10 years and under - judging the rider)
9 - Lead Line Walk Jog / Trot Open (any age - judged as an equitation class)
10- Junior Walk Jog / Trot (13 and under - judged as an equitation class)
11- Junior Walk Jog / Trot (14-17 - judged as an equitation class)
12- Open Walk Jog / Trot (no age limit - judged as an equitation class)
13- Novice (horse and rider) Points Class
- 1st year showing for horse
and rider non winner combination
- 1st year showing for
14- English Pleasure Novice (non winner in any class for the show year)
-1st year showing for rider
not having placed at any show
15- Senior English Pleasure (18 and over)
16- Junior English Pleasure (14-17)
17- Junior English Pleasure (13 and under)
18- Arabian and Half Arabian English Pleasure Open (hunter or country attire)
19- Senior English Equitation (18 and over)
20- Junior English Equitation (14-17)
21- Junior English Equitation (13 and under)
22- Show Hack (5 gaits - walk, trot, canter, extended canter & hand gallop)
23- Jack Benny (35 and older)
24- Command Class
25- Mystery Fun Class (non point class)
26- Junior Horse (horse 5 years and under, wearing a snaffle bit only)
27- Equitation Over Fences (helmets required by all riders under 18)
28- Trail Class (ridden in either english or western tack)
29- Arabian Native Costume (open to arabian native costumes only)
30- Open Costume (no arabian native costumes - open to all competitors)
31- Western Pleasure Novice (non winner of 3 placings in any show - points)
32- Senior Western Pleasure (18 and over)
33- Junior Western Pleasure (17 and under)
34- Arabian Western Pleasure
35- Senior Western Equitation (18 and over)
36- Junior Western Equitation (17 and under)
37- Western Horsemanship (pattern class - judge selects pattern)
38- Reining Class (green - pattern posted - different horse/rider accepted)
39- Gaming Class (chosen on day of show)
40- Gaming Class (chosen on day of show)
41- Jackpot Class (1st place 1/2 of fees, 2nd place 1/4 of fees)